A Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve Your Smile and Your Life

cosmetic dentistAs a cosmetic dentist, we are keenly aware of how a smile can actually improve your smile and your life. Since most people think of your smile in terms of something that is attractive, you may be surprised how beneficial it can actually be. There has been significant research conducted into the power of a smile and the health benefits it affords. If you do not smile on a regular basis, read on and start flashing your pearly whites.

Have you heard of neuropeptides?

When you smile, neuropeptides are activated. These are the molecules that help your neurons communicate across your body. As such, they can work to make you feel happy and excited or sad and upset. When you smile, positive neuropeptides are released: serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These are your happy molecules, and when released, they can:

  • Reduce stress.
  • Relax you.
  • Work as a natural pain reliever.
  • Lift your mood.
  • Lower your blood pressure.
  • Reduce your heart rate.
  • And more.

Essentially, smiling is an all-natural way to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Whom do you like to be around?

Most people prefer to be around people who make them feel happier or benefit their life somehow. The question is, why do some people have a positive impact while others do not? As a cosmetic dentist, we know that it often comes down to who is smiling. Scientists have discovered that smiles are contagious. When you smile, it is likely that those around you will catch on and begin to smile as well. Since smiling releases things like endorphins, you can literally have a positive impact on the lives of those around you by simply flashing your smile. If you do so at work, you could be viewed as more helpful and a team player (proven by studies). If you do so socially, you could be viewed as more attractive.

Improve Your Smile

If the only thing preventing you from smiling more and taking advantage of these benefits is the fact that you do not like the appearance of your smile, you should change that by scheduling an appointment with our cosmetic dentist office. We have numerous solutions we can use to improve your smile, and there is virtually nothing we cannot address. For example, we can:

  • Close gaps in between your teeth. This can be done using dental bonding, dental veneers, or dental crowns.  All three look natural and can be incredibly effective.
  • Remove stains.  Both stains and discoloration can have a negative impact on your smile.  They can make your smile look older and you as well.  Fortunately, whitening your teeth is easy, and it only takes one visit to our cosmetic dentist office to get started.
  • Replace missing teeth. If you have lost teeth, we can replace them using a dental bridge or dental implants. Both solutions are durable, secure, and natural-looking, so which one is right for you will depend on the time you have and your budget.

Visit a Cosmetic Dentist

These are only a few of the ways we can improve your smile, so call today to start transforming yours and to experience the benefits of smiling more.


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