Are You Familiar with Removable Orthodontics?

OrthodonticsHave you heard of removable orthodontics? Most people have straightened their teeth with braces, at least for several decades now. As such, have you ever considered that there could be a removable solution for straightening teeth? There is a way to do so.

These are not normal braces

With braces secured to the teeth using dental cement, they do not come off until the treatment is complete. Regular braces can be terribly inconvenient. In other words, wearing braces is a serious commitment that requires patients to stay the course. If a special event is coming up during the treatment plan, it is necessary to continue wearing braces, otherwise, there will be treatment delays.

Since people cannot always plan ahead that far, this can create challenges. Fortunately, there is a more modern solution to straighten teeth in a way that is removable and offers more flexibility.

Removable orthodontics: Our solution

We provide patients with a greater level of flexibility by straightening teeth using clear aligners. These aligners are plastic trays that closely resemble a clear plastic retainer. They surround the teeth entirely and are meant to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. Simultaneously, patients need to take them out to eat and brush teeth. Since they are fully removable in nature, it is possible for patients to choose how they spend those hours not wearing them and if a special event is coming up, to take them out for the day.

Naturally, we recommend wearing them as frequently as possible but we also understand that life is unpredictable. It is often better for people to have flexibility in case something comes up, knowing that they can continue straightening the next day. That is the benefit of removable orthodontics. Even if someone needs to have them out for a day or two due to a wedding, family reunion or special event at work, it is always possible to pick up the treatment again.

This is as opposed to braces where the only way to have them removed is to visit the orthodontist, have all the brackets and wires removed and then have them placed again once the event is over. This is costly, time-consuming and likely to produce delays. Starting out with removable orthodontics is a much better idea if the patient thinks that could be a possibility.

Protect the aligners

Keeping the aligners safe and secure requires a little extra work. We recommend keeping the carrying case and placing them inside of it. Otherwise, aligners that are left on a napkin or on the table may accidentally be thrown away once lunch break is over.

Learn more about this solution

Imagine having the flexibility of taking the aligners out when making a presentation to a new client, going on a dinner date or smiling for family photos. All of this is possible when straightening teeth with clear aligners. To learn more about the many benefits of removable orthodontics or to find out if you qualify for it, call our clinic and schedule an appointment.

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