Categories: Family Dentist

Fluoride is Essential for Kids and Extremely Helpful for Adults

Roderick Garcia, DMD, heads a practice in Albuquerque, New Mexico that focuses on cosmetic and family dentistry. A graduate of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Roderick Garcia, DMD, and his skilled staff provide a number of services to his clients, including routine cleanings, exams, x-rays and fluoride application.

Because of its proven ability to prevent tooth decay and counteract the natural demineralization of teeth, fluoride is essential for developing teeth. It is a natural occurring mineral that is commonly found in many foods and in our water supply. It helps prevent decay by building the teeth’s resistance to acid attacks that occur from plaque and sugar. It can also reverse the early onset of tooth decay. Commonly applied to the teeth of children under the age of 16 to strengthen them as they develop, fluoride can also benefit adults.

The addition of fluoride to the water supply has been so successful in the United States that it has been called one of the top health achievements of the 20th century by the CDC. Found in many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes, fluoride can also be delivered in a dentist office through a gel, foam or varnish that is applied directly to the teeth.

For adults fluoride varnish, prescription fluoride tooth paste and sodium fluoride in delivery trays is extremely effective in reducing decay, sensitivity, periodontal disease and extending the longevity of dental restorations. These adult fluorides modalities are also used for patients undergoing radiation and chemo therapy. Keeping you and your families smile healthy is our main concern at Roderick A Garcia DMD Albuquerque Cosmetic and Family practice 505-634-5059

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Dr. Garcia

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Dr. Garcia

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